Travel & Leisure

[Road Ride] Left Hand Canyon

If you can only do one road ride in Boulder, do Left Hand Canyon! You’ll experience the unique feeling of riding through a canyon, seeing mountains to the west and having a perfect amount of curves to keep the ride interesting while touching the brake! Plus, you’ll see lots of other cyclists on the road. Always a fun pick-me-up!

Left Hand Canyon Road starts at the intersection of US 36 and Altona. You can park right on off US 36 or back in Boulder for extra miles. We parked at Eben G Fine park as we rode Left Hand Canyon in conjunction with Boulder Canyon Road and Peak to Peak Hwy. 

The climb starts with a mild grade between one – three percent and gradually increases as you climb further up into the mountains. The hardest part is right at the end [or reaching Ward] where the grade hits double-digits around a couple switchbacks! So tough! After a gnarly section, Ward has a few places to rest and/or grab a snack to refuel – Dynamic Snack Food Truck, Jackleggers, and Utica Street Market. Enjoy!

Good to Know

Distance: 34 miles up and down from US 36 to Peak to Peak Hwy in Ward

Elevation Gain: ~3,600ft

Terrain: Paved road with a decent shoulder

Fun Facts: Left Hand Canyon Road intersects with Lee Hill Drive and James Canyon Road – two other epic road climbs in Boulder. Check those out if you get a chance!

Strava Link

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