Triathlon 101

Love/Hate Relationship with Swimming

I’m sure I’m not alone is that statement. Swimming can be tough to do. Most likely, it involved a car trip to the pool versus shoes and you’re out the door! It can be a small portion of the overall event so finding the value can sometimes be tough! The list goes on. Because I’m a ‘glass half full’ girl, I like to make the best of any situation and developed a love for each hate.


Hate/Heading out in the cold to go to the pool

Love/Reward of hot tub and sauna after


Hate/No group or podcast to keep me company

Love/Swimming as meditation


Hate/Should I be doing more biking/running?!

Love/This is so good for my body! Swimming is a lifelong sport. Bonus!


Hate/Am I getting better? I cannot ‘see’ what I’m doing?

Love/Keep working. Consistency is the key to swimming.

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