[Hike] Mount Falcon
If you are looking for a hike close to Denver, you must check out Mount Falcon in Morrison, Colorado located about 30 minutes west of downtown. My favorite part of this trail is that there are a few sub-trails available so you can add or subtract distance depending on your needs. I parked at the Morrison trailhead (there is another one on the opposite side of the park as well) and headed out on a blue-bird Sunday morning. A few minutes after starting you come to a trail divide, Castle or Turkey Trot. I chose to go up Turkey Trot and down Castle. After a pretty constant climb, it levels off about 3 miles up when you reach a picnic table with an area to rest, have a snack and take in the views. I headed up the short 0.4 Walker’s Dream to take in some epic views. Realizing I was about 3.5 miles up, I decided to turn around and head down as 7 miles was plenty for my Sunday! It was very tempting to keep going and explore more of Mount Falcon yet I will save that for another day!
Good to Know
Distance: 7 mile out-and-back but you can make the distance what you want
Elevation Gain: ~1700ft
Terrain: Mostly rocky trail with a few sections of flat dirt
Parking: Available at the Mt. Falcon Park Morrison Trailhead (and along with road yet be aware of the No Parking sign)
Facilities: Available at the trailhead
Fun Facts: This was a hidden gem. I loved viewing downtown Denver and RED ROCKS on the east side of the trail and the mountains on the west side of the trail. I will definitely be back!

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