Triathlon 101

Best Podcasts for a Long Run

I listened to my first podcast over 4 years ago (May 2014) when I didn’t even know it was called a podcast! I googled something about real food eating and arrived at an article about the best real food podcasts. The article took me directly to an episode played straight from that website (I had no idea there was an app for it!). I listened to that first episode and I was hooked! It was right before Serial was released in October 2014 which, I believe, was instrumental in the popularity of podcasts in general.

I download said real food podcast, Dishing Up Nutrition, in my App Store and went back and listened to all of the old episodes. I soon added other podcasts, Serial and Balanced Bites, were among the first and quickly began to listen to podcasts on runs instead of music. To me, I like getting immersed in the episode and focusing on what is being said. It takes my mind off the run and makes time fly by!

Today I listen to podcasts all of the time – in the car, making dinner, and of course, during my runs! Although I listen to all sorts of podcast, across multiple genres, these are my top five podcasts for a long run:

  • Endurance Planet – one of, if not, the longest running podcast covering endurance sports. Tawnee and Lucho are a great duo talking all thing endurance sports, nutrition, mindset, etc. I feel like I’m friends with both of them even though I’ve never met them and they have no idea who I am 🙂
  • Endurance Ladies Radio is all about women in endurance sports and in the industry as a whole. They haven’t produced an episode in a long time but have quite a few recorded to listen back to. I especially enjoy hearing from the different female company leaders (specially Anne Hed and Kebby Holden).
  • C Tolle Run is all about the run and it super fun to listen it. Carrie is a fellow Minnesota gal and has a fun, upbeat attitude with her guests. She even records some episodes on a run! Multitasking on some many levels!  
  • Work, Play, Love is a newish podcast from Jesse Thomas and Lauren Fleshman focusing on the intersection of work, play (sport), and love (family). I especially love their business talk and how open they are to real events of running Picky Bars!
  • Side Hustle School is a (less than 10 minutes) daily show features a different side hustle (little business) every day. It is super fun. Some weeks I listen to an episode a day and other weeks I have up a weeks worth to listen on my run. It’s like a new episode every mile 🙂

What is your favorite podcast to listen to on a long run? Do you listen to any of the above

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