Tip Tuesday

Wetsuit 101 for a Triathlon

The idea of swimming in open water is daunting but the idea of wearing a wetsuit can be even more daunting! So many questions whirl about when it coming to wearing a wetsuit during a triathlon.

  • How do I get it on?
  • How do I take it off?
  • How do I get it from NOT making me feel claustrophobic?
  • How do I zip it up and what do I do with the long strap?
  • Does it REALLY make a difference?

These are all questions I asked myself during my first year (and second and third) of triathlon. I knew I wanted to wear a wetsuit because I read that it does make you more buoyant which will result in a faster swim. But I was scared, nervous, apprehensive about actually wearing one. I didn’t want to invest hundreds of dollars into one initially so I rented one from Gear West for the Fairmont Olympic Triathlon. I picked it up on a Friday and went to a local lake to test it out before the race on Saturday. It was tough to put on that Friday and a nice women actually helped me zip it up! I watched YouTube videos about how to put it in but nothing can prepare you for actually doing it yourself!

How do I get it on?                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

It is easier to get OFF than on so take your take and put it on slowly – taking it 4-6 inches at a time making sure to get out any kinks with each section as you put it on. It will seem like it is too small but just keep pulling it up, section by section. You can try body guild or vaseline around your ankles or even use putting your feet in a plastic bag before putting on your wetsuit. I didn’t think either helped very much and prefer to do it without any extra supplies to carry around. Just a little patience during the process.

How do I take it off?

When you get out of the water, unzip and pull it halfway down while running. Step out of your wetsuit, one leg at a time. Once you get one leg out, the key is to step on the other leg that is already out to prevent that moving and giving you momentum to get out of that other leg. TIP – hang your wetsuit over the bike rack to dry out.

How do I get it from NOT making me feel claustrophobic?

This is a tough one and the one struggled with for two years. I purchased a sleeveless wetsuit to help minimize the claustrophobic feeling but I think the main way I overcame this is by practice. Each time I put it on AND made sure it fit properly by getting all of the kinks out, I felt a tiny bit more comfortable in it. This summer, my third year in the sport, I was nervous to put it on before Liberty 70.3 Triathlon but was pleasantly surprised when I tried it on a few days before at Cedar Lake and it felt okay and I didn’t feel claustrophobic.

How do I zip it up and what do I do with the long strap?

You finally get your wetsuit on but then are wondering how you are going to zip it up – don’t worry, you are not alone! It is tough! Wetsuits are designed to be very tight and the last step with the zipper is no exception. Relax and slowly zip from the base. Don’t worry – you wouldn’t rip your zipper. It will slowly come up inch by inch until you are you at the top and all zipped in. Awesome! Now, the long strap. The best thing to do is to wrap or fold it one or two times and then put in it the velcro strap. This will still give you plenty of room to grab it from behind and pull it off when you’re done but won’t make you think you have a piece of seaweed behind you at all times.

Does it REALLY make a difference?

I unintentionally put this to the test a few times this summer at Open Swim. I couldn’t (or didn’t want to) bring my wetsuit in my small backpack that I used to bike to work. I could only fit my swimsuit, goggles, and swim cap. So when I swam without a wetsuit and on the same course, I was on average ~15 seconds per 100 yards SLOWER without a wetsuit. It does a difference – a big one!

Tell me about your experience using a wetsuit or any other questions you still have!


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