Tip Tuesday

Pack Your Bag

Let’s face it. Early morning workday workouts are tough. Pressing snooze always sounds like a better idea. Squeezing it in after work enters the mind.

But…you want/need/have to get it done before work. Here is a tip in preparation  to making those early morning workday workouts more manageable.

Pack your bag the night before and put it by the door

No extra energy will be required the morning of – no frantic running around trying to figure out what to wear to work or finding your work shoes – so there is no excuse that you didn’t have time to fit in the workout. Pack your bag the night before including your work clothes (hanger or no hanger), toiletries, computer, etc. and have the bag ready for you by the door. This does require a bit of preparation the night before but it is key to getting your morning off to a great start and getting in that workout!

After dinner before settling in every evening, my routine is to pack my bag for the next day. If I’m swimming, I make sure to pack my swimsuit and towel (my goggles and swim cap are in my car trunk). If I’m cycling indoors, I make sure to pack my cycling shoes. If I’m running, I make sure to pack my running shoes. With all of the above, work clothes and toiletries are always included!

I’ll be back next Tuesday with another early morning workday workout tip!

Try it and let me know how it goes!

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