Tip Tuesday Triathlon 101

I signed up for a triathlon! What do I need to buy?

First, awesome! Congrats! It is a HUGE deal. Swim, bike and run! Most people would call us crazy but welcome to the club.

Second, buying for three sports in incredibly daunting. I recommend using what you already have for the first season to determine if you’ll be continuing on in the following season and then can make gradually purchases. Here’s what you’ll need for each:

Swim – goggles and a swimsuit – I’m guessing you have both of these. And the goggles don’t have to be fancy. I owe four pair and just purchased a $12 pair of Speedo clear lenses because I like that they have a larger suckage area. Borrow or rent a wetsuit for the first season (if using one). They are expensive ranging from $100 – $600.

Bike – use what you’ve got – hybrid, used, borrowed. Honestly, don’t go crazy here. I bought a road bike in 2015 and specifically bought a road bike because I knew I’d use it whether or not I continued in triathlon. No need for a power meter, race wheels or anything else you might be tempted to buy.

A helmet goes without saying and small repair kit is nice (I borrowed this as well).

Run – again, use what you’ve got – I’m guessing you have a pair of running shoes to use for training for a triathlon as well.

Clothes – a pair of tri shorts and a jersey are needed. I started with a pair of ugly clearance shorts in 2015 and have gradually stepped up my clothing game.

I know what you are thinking, ‘everyone else is going to be and look so much better than me’, I felt the same way and it kind of sucked but I knew this was going to be a gradual, conservative process.

Training plan – there are several free programs online to use for your first triathlon. Use one of these. If you love it, buy one or hire a coach.

Remember, the engine (YOU) is the main component!


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