Race Reports

Lifetime Indoor Triathlon

At the last minute, I signed up for my fourth Lifetime Indoor Triathlon (I love this format; 10 minute swim, 30 minutes on the bike, and 20 minute run) on January 5th! I had not gone to Masters Swimming since before Square Lake 70.3 in September and only spent a few minutes in the pool over Christmas at Grandview Lodge. Nevertheless, I was biking hard and running strong so I decided to give it a whirl! No prep needed for this 60 minute event yet I did take it easy the day before as I wanted to go hard on Sunday. 

The Swim // 10 minutes // 21 lengths of the pool

The race took place at a Lifetime Fitness location that I had never visited before so I took a few minutes to locate the spin room for the biking portion and the main workout area where the treadmills were located. After taking a couple photos and trying to get things ready for the bike + run, I was “late” getting into the pool (1 minute to spare). I forgot they gave you 10 minutes between each wave which I probably could have used! With no warm-up, I was off for a 10 minute swim! I tried to focus on (what was left) of my form and not exert too much effort to focus on the bike + run. Given where my swimming was at, I was happy with the swim.

The Bike // 30 minutes // 11.1 miles

No matter how many times I do this, the 10 minute transition between swimming and biking is never enough. I wore my sports bra in the pool so I would not have to put this on after (do this!) yet struggled putting on my socks and getting my bike set up in the correct position. Nevertheless, the clock started and I was pedaling away. My goal was to push 200 watts the entire time and I was able to do this and finished with an average of 201 watts and 11.1 miles – I think the best effort yet at this event.

The Run // 20 minutes // 2.46 miles

I got to my treadmill only to realize I left my headphones on my spin bike and had to go back downstairs to get them :/ This cut into my five minute transition and was tying my shoes when the clock started. I do my treadmill training at 1.0 incline so I was happy to feel the difference of running at 0.0 for this event. I started slow, got a playlist going and  then started to ramp up the speed. I did not have a goal distance yet wanted to spend a majority of the time around an eight minute mile (7.5 on the treadmill). And I did this and enjoyed it! I gave me confidence with my training and I know I’m improving and make progress toward a half marathon PR. 

Takaways from the Lifetime Indoor Triathlon

  • This continues to a great beginner event (or a way to test fitness who those with a few seasons under their belt)
  • I’m taking the right approach to improving my running and it is paying off!
  • I’m ready to get back to Master’s swimming. I like it. The workouts are great. Time to hit the pool…first going back to basics with a technique class.

If you’re interested in reading about prior Lifetime Indoor Triathlon’s read these posts; 2019, 2018, and 2015 (my first triathlon ever!).

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