Travel & Leisure

19 for 2019

2019 was a great year! My husband celebrated a milestone birthday which took us on a fabulous vacation where we participated in a once-in-a-lifetime event, L’Etape du Tour! In addition to the birthday trip, I traveled solo for the first time to a triathlon training camp in California, did girls trips to Sedona and Savannah, and spend the weekend in Kansas City with my siblings! 

We welcomed two new nieces to our family, B + G, bringing our total to 8 with another nephew due to late February 2020! They are so fun and we each of their personalities grows each time we see them!

I set a PR (twice) in the 70.3 triathlon events and rode my first century ride this year! So many great mornings riding along County Road 6 in the rural Wayzata area!

When I look back on my #19for2019 list, I’m proud of the things I did and I am excited for 2020!

Several of the items checked off the list were mentioned above, and I only had a few red circles. Let’s talk about those for a bit. 

  • I didn’t ‘discover / create / start ‘dream job’ this year yet I positioned myself for a promotion in early 2020. I think ‘starting my side hustle’ helped tame this one and challenged and pushed me in new directions. 
  • I did not ‘work on Adobe suite’ and I canceled my substriction. I had big ideas of creating these cool maps – both of travel and race course – yet it didn’t happen. And I’m okay with that and I am taking it off the list.
  • I did not ‘blog 2-3x a week’. As I mentioned in my October update, I don’t have an answer to why this didn’t happen. I still don’t. Reflecting back, it was too big of the item for this list. I think I need to make items on this list more singular focused instead of doing something all year. This item could have been 52 items or 104 items. I need to reign it back in! 

I am excited to close out this decade and look forward to the next! Bring on 2020!

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