Forthsyth Park Savannah Georgia
Travel & Leisure

Savannah Girl Trip

Are you looking for a Savannah itinerary? How about a Savannah itinerary that includes a biscuit tour (Savannah’s biscuit culture is a hidden gem). Look no further and read below!

I’ll break it down in 2 ways; one is a {snap shot} for a quick glance and the other is a {full review} which details everything we did!

{Snap Shot} Itinerary

Day 1: Thursday,11/14

  • {Arrive} SAV
  • {Check-In} Airbnb 
  • {Dinner} Cotton & Rye

Day 2: Friday, 11/15

  • {Walk} Bull Street through Forthsyth Park passing through several squares
  • {Brunch} The Collins Quarter 
  • {Walk} The River Walk 
  • {Biscuit Stop} B. Matthew’s Eatery 
  • {Walk & Shop} Broughton Avenue 
  • {Walk} Zig-zagged home on Jones Street 
  • {Dinner} Cantina Tulum

Day 3: Saturday, 11/16

  • {Breakfast} Back in the day Bakery 
  • {Biscuit Stop} Rise Biscuits
  • {Distillery} Ghost Coast 

{Full Review} Itinerary

Day 1: Thursday,11/14

  • {Arrive} SAV
    • We were greeted with lots of rain and cooler weather. Not exactly what we are hoping for when we booked the trip! This was our 3rd annual trip with two other high school friends; two of us coming together from Minneapolis and the other traveling in from Brooklyn. We un-officially celebrated our 20th high school reunion!
  • {Check-In} Airbnb 
    • We stayed in a lovely Airbnb at the bottom of Forthsyth Park and the two of us settled in as we waited for our third member to arrive.
  • {Dinner} Cotton & Rye
    • We could have stayed at the Airbnb all night yet we wandered down the street for dinner and had a lovely meal at Cotton & Rye. We shared several small plates and gave thanks to our weekend of friendship! I would recommend Cotton & Rye!

Day 2: Friday, 11/15

  • {Walk} Bull Street through Forthsyth Park & Several Historic Squares
    • We decided early Friday morning that we would go on a biscuit tour to find the best one in Savannah…and so it began! We were greeted with dark skies and sprinkles all day so the rain jacket and umbrella were a must! We enjoyed walking through Forthsyth Park and several historic squares. 
  • {Brunch} The Collins Quarter {Biscuit Score: D}
    • We had brunch at the trendy Collins Quarter and the meal did not disappoint…other than the biscuit which was burnt. I would still recommend for brunch though!
  • {Walk} The River Walk 
    • Savannah is set up like a “T” – we walked up Bull Street and then the River Walk expanded north and south. We ventured a little bit each way yet didn’t spend too much here given the cold, windy weather next to the water. We did enjoy the cool old buildings that we walked by. 
  • {Biscuit Stop} B. Matthew’s Eatery {Biscuit score: C}
    • Next on our biscuit tour was B. Matthew’s Eatery where we bellied up to the bar…and had a biscuit (and a glass of wine). We narrowed our destination down to 2 possibilities for 2020 – Toronto or Portland, ME – yay!
  • {Walk & Shop}
    • We walked down Broughton Avenue which is filled with shops and food options for all. Not normally ones to shop, we swung into a few places to warm up and escape from the rain! We stopped into 24e Designs, The Paris Market, The Salt Table, and City Market to sample cookies at Byrd’s Famous Cookies. We zig zagged home on Jones Street to take in the beautiful homes and shopped at One Fish Two Fish before returning to the Airbnb.
  • {Dinner} Cantina Tulum
    • It was now downpour raining outside yet we found a yummy Mexican restaurant close by and enjoyed margaritas and tacos while continuing our never-ending conversation! A little dark inside yet still a solid recommendation. 

Day 3: Saturday, 11/16

We had planned to visit Bonaventure Cemetery and Wormsloe Plantation yet it was raining, cold and windy…pretty much the worst weather for traveling and sightseeing 🙁 

Here’s where we missed the boat as we didn’t plan anything and all of the ‘fun’ indoor activities were booked. Don’t make the same mistake we did; plan and book ahead!

  • {Breakfast} Back in the Day Bakery {Biscuit Score: A}
    • We ventured outside and made our way to Back in the Day Bakery to try out their homemade biscuits. They were delicious with an amazing amount of butter inside. We also tried their cinnamon roll which was delicious as well! I definitely recommend this place! 
  • {Biscuit Stop} Rise Biscuits {Biscuit Score: B}
    • With no activities booked and crappy weather we continued for biscuit tour and stopped at Rise Biscuits just before closing time (2pm for bakeries). 
  • {Distillery} Ghost Coast Distillery
    • We hurried over to Ghost Coast Distillery for their 3pm tour and we were lucky enough to have a private tour of their facility! We enjoyed a drink before moving on. 
  • {Happy Hour & Thai}
    • We picked the first places that looked like they had a lively atmosphere and stopped in to warm up and enjoyed more food + drink. 

Have you been to Savannah? I’d love to hear from you!

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