Tip Tuesday

Rebel {Triathlon Edition}

The fourth and final tendency of Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies is the Rebel. The Rebel is the smallest percentage of the four and the most different than any other tendency. Rebel’s place a high value on freedom, choice, identity and authenticity. They don’t like to follow rules or do what anyone else tells them to do. So, how does a Rebel excel in triathlon training? Here are a few ideas I think can help a Rebel.  

Self Coached Athlete

A Rebel can be a great self coached athlete. Being self coached gives them the opportunity to have all of the freedom they want – what workout to do, when to do said workout, what events to register and train for, etc. A Rebel can have several different gym memberships and follow different training programs because they like having plenty of options and don’t like to be ‘tied-down’ to one specific program. This includes the timing of workouts as Rebels do not  like a lot of “meetings” or set workouts on their calendars. I do not see many Rebels joining a 6:00am Masters swim program. I see a Rebel hitting the pool when it is convenient for them and doing a workout that best fits what they need to improve on.

Turn it from a ‘have to’ into a ‘want to’

Since a Rebel only does what they want to, a big key to training is turning the workouts from a “I have to do this workout” to a “I’m choosing to go for a 6 mile run over lunch”. If they can refrain and turn it into something they want to do, then they’ll do it. Plus, Rebels might see their 6 mile run over lunch for other benefits as well – the sun is shining bright, a stress reliever from a busy morning of meetings, an opportunity to listen to a podcast or maybe a couple chapters of a book. Remember, Rebels can do anything they want to do!

If you coach a Rebel

If you coach a Rebel or are near and dear to one, one strategy to implement with Rebels is the inform, alert to consequences, and allow to choose plan. An example in triathlon training is explaining that training 7-10 hours a week with a mix of 3 swim, 3 bike, 3 runs and some mobility work will result in a successful race. If you fail to put in the work and skip several workouts, you will DNF (do not finish) at your event. Yet, it is your choice on how you want to handle training.

Are you a Rebel? Did any of these idea resonate with you? Let me know in the comments below!

Part I: Overview of the Four Tendencies

Part II: Questioner 

Part III: Upholder

Part IV: Obliger

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