lifetime indoor tri
Race Reports

{Race Report} Lifetime Indoor Tri

Disclaimer: I’m writing this for the blog in June 2018 over 3 years after the event. Memories are fuzzy at best!

This event took place in April of 2015. I purchased my road bike a month before and knew 2015 was going to be the year for triathlon (link of another article). I thought an indoor event would be a good way to test the water and see if I wanted to sign up for more!

The Lifetime Indoor series is based on time rather than distance – the more ‘distance’ you cover in a set time, the higher the point you will receive for the event. You are only measured against the individuals in your event that day.

Swim: the swim was tough and remember my lane partner ‘lapping’ me in the pool and believe I did 14 lengths of the pool. Bike: I was much more comfortable on the bike and enjoy spinning with the others. Run: Again, I was a runner and it was fun to lay it all out and run fast (it was only 20 minutes). After: I must have enjoyed it because I signed up and completed two additional triathlons in 2015!


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