Tip Tuesday

Questioner {Triathlon Edition}

I’m a Questioner and this fits me to a T!  I ask a lot of questions about everything and try to do as much research as I can before making a decision. My husband was relieved to know I could officially be categorized as a “Questioner” and I wasn’t just questioning him 🙂

The strengths of a Questioner are that we like reason and research and once we have gathered said amount of research, we follow through on the task at hand. We are able to complete any solo or group workout without a problem and are self-motivated throughout the training season.

One of the biggest weaknesses of being a Questioner is that Analysis Paralysis weaves its way into daily and training life. Analysis Paralysis means that we cannot make a decision because we are trying to gather more and more information on a topic. I constantly say “information overload” on many topics with so some much information on the internet. This weaves its way into my life in many different ways – one being travel planning. I always want to find the best restaurants, best neighborhoods, best places that locals hang out, etc.

In regards to triathlon training, I identified the following three areas where I’m currently stuck in Analysis Paralysis. Please read below to learn how I identify each one and what I’m doing to overcome them:

  • Best Strength Training Program
  • Best Coach to Hire
  • Best Indoor Bike Trainer

Best Strength Training Program

I can happily say this one has recently been moved to unstuck with a decision made! I knew I wanted to focus on strength training and core work during my offseason yet initially trying to figure out what that would look like was tough.

Searching online was too much (aka “information overload’ as mentioned above) so I crossed that off the list. I did a handful of personal training sessions last year and, although I enjoyed my personal trainer and the workouts, I wasn’t excited to do them again this fall. I wanted to be pushed beyond what I could do in a solo workout. I knew I wanted to be told what to do (aka – no planning required). I wanted results. I wanted to have fun and enjoy it!

To accomplish this, I purchased a membership at [solidcore]. [solidcore] is a high intensity, low impact workout that is done on a pilates-type machine that works your muscles to fatigue with slow and controlled movements. It is awesomely hard and challenging every time. There is a big effort put on the core and obliques which is a big weakness of mine and every “set” is a burner. I’ve done a few sessions before yet never with any consistency until now. I purchased the unlimited pack and plan to go 3-4 times per week for the next several months. I will report back on my progress!

Best Coach to Hire

I’m deciding whether or not to sign up for my first full Ironman in 2019, and if I do, I’m going to hire a coach. I started doing some preliminary searches online but haven’t gotten very far. I’m stuck. I wish I knew:

  • If there was a comprehensive website comparing all of the coaches available with services and costs associated.
  • If I should hire a local coach for my first time or if I can hire a coach virtually.
  • Which coaches are the best.
  • Which coach was the best for me.

I think the issue here is that I lack clarity in my inner expectation. I need to take a hard look at what I’m asking of myself and why. I need to refine the inner expectation to move from being stuck. More to come!

Best Indoor Trainer to Purchase

I cycled inside last winter at a local gym yet plan to purchase an indoor trainer this winter so I can train on my tri bike. Again, the more I research, the more questions I have:

  • Do I spurge and get the best trainer out there?
  • Or do I search the used inventory for a cheaper model to start?
  • What trainer will work with my Garmin S1 Power Meter Pedals?
  • Which trainer has the best reviews?

One way Questioners can address this is by turning to an expert for advice. I’m a big fan of DC Rainmaker and all of the reviews on his site. I think I’m going to patiently wait until week or two (his 2017 edition was published 10/11/17) until he publishes his 2018-2019 Bike Trainers Guide and let his guide help me in this process!

Are you a Questioner? What are your biggest obstacles and how did you overcome them?

Part I: Overview of the Four Tendencies

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