Triathlon 101

How to train for your triathlon during a holiday week?

Simple answer – don’t stress and adjust.

Not so simple answer – this can be tough. The nice thing about a schedule and routine is that it is a schedule and routine – you don’t have to think much about it. But when a holiday falls on in that week, training is up for grabs. Non standard commitments/activities come into play (bbq, parties, travel, etc.) and figuring out how to navigate them can be tricky.

Adjust by doing what you can – this year the 4th of July is on a Wednesday. Normally that is an interval swim in the morning before work. That doesn’t sound fun on a day off from work so I adjust. I moved my swim to Tuesday (with my short recovery run, 20 minutes, after work) and moved my interval bike ride to Wednesday. It won’t be the ‘perfect’ interval session but I’ll do what I can and it allows me to ride outside and use my ride to get to and from a bbq (yes, I’ll still do the 20 minute brick run when I get home). Thursday I’ll be back to my normal schedule. Is it perfect? No. But it combines my training schedule with the holiday week and that is a win.

PS – not related to a holiday but I’m making another training adjustment this weekend. My husband and I are riding in the Tour of Saints bike ride on Sunday morning in St. Joseph, MN. Normally I ride Saturday and run Sunday and understand the value of doing in that order but this weekend I’m adjusting for the bike event. I plan on getting in my open water swimming on St. John’s campus in Lake Sagatagan as well 🙂

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