Travel & Leisure

[Hike] Mayhem Gulch Trail

Mayhem Gulch is a great trail if you are heading out to the Golden area of Colorado; a short 20 minute drive from downtown Denver. The trail is designated for hikers and bikers on opposite days which I love! Check out the map schedule here!

The trail starts with a pretty intense climb with several switchbacks until you reach a “T” in the trail where it turns to green and mellow out for a loop around and connects with the Juniper Trail. The Juniper Trail intersects with the Mayhem Gulch Trail and then you’ll follow the trail down the switchbacks until you arrive back at your vehicle.

You can extend your hike in two ways; a) take the Travois Trails for miles at the top or b) take a stroll along the creek on the bike path. I chose a stroll on the bike path and really enjoyed the feeling of walking in a “canyon”. 

Good to Know

Distance: 5 miles along the Mayhem Gulch > Juniper > Mayhem Gulch + 1 mile along bike path

Elevation Gain: ~857ft

Terrain: Dirt path + rocky path at different sections

Parking: Available at Mayhem Gulch Trailhead

Facilities:  Available at Mayhem Gulch Trailhead 

Fun Facts: Save 5 – 10 minutes after your hike to soak your feet and/or legs in the cold water creek! Super refreshing!

Strava Link 

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