Tip Tuesday

Do what you enjoy

While listening to one of my podcast favorites, Endurance Planet (Endurance Planet’s Ask the Coaches #278),  I was intrigued by an article they mentioned about new year’s resolutions, motivation, and discipline which were topics covers on the previous episode which aired in early January. What stood out and, what I later read in the article, “if we do what we enjoy and like, then it will come easy to us and we won’t assign the word discipline to it.

One of favorite paragraphs in the article highlights this point brilliantly.  “As it turns out, people who seem to exhibit the most self-control aren’t gritting their teeth and using discipline to resist temptations, but instead have minimized the number of temptations they experience in the first place. How? Because of the way they structure their environment and routines, and, because they actually enjoy the habits they pursue.” How cool is this?!

Do What You Like

Ding! Ding! I completely agree with the statement above and see it play out throughout the exercise routine I do. Some might say it takes discipline to get up before sunrise and attend an intense workout at solidcore or stay focused during a master’s swim but I enjoy it. I like it. I really do. It doesn’t take discipline to do this. I am motivated to give it my all each session and make improvement week after week.

At the same time, I want to make it clear that the actual workouts aren’t easy. They are tough. They take mental focus. They don’t easier over time; I push harder and increase the intensity.

The same can be said for cycling. I love being on my bike. I love being outside in the sunshine. A multiple hour ride on Saturday excites me. It doesn’t take discipline to ride for 4 hours. It takes enjoyment. I even like riding my bike inside on my trainer (I’m weird, I know!). I like the focused workouts without outside distractions. I like getting stronger and faster. I like listening to podcasts or audiobooks as I pedal to learn new things. 

I will sound like a broken record here but the same can be said for running as well. I love the simplicity of running. I enjoy running around the lake as the sun is setting. I like exploring new trails in the middle of the city. I like running with friends. I like running on the treadmill in the crappy weather. I like pushing it hard and increasing my speed on a tough workout. 

Do what you enjoy; enjoyment does not take motivation or discipline.

Know Yourself

I am drawn to early morning workouts because I am a morning person. I do better in the morning. I’ve always been that way. I don’t press snooze. I get up easily. I am (usually) packed and ready for the day so I’m out the door in 10 minutes. I am friendly, chatty, and energetic in the morning. 

Yet, if this isn’t you and you hate mornings, then don’t force it. For real. Sleep in. Press snooze. Wake up slowly and ease into your day. Exercise over the lunch hour, after work or at night when you are more awake, more alive, and happier. Don’t force ‘discipline’ by getting up super early only to hate yourself or the workout.

What do you enjoy doing? How can you bring more of that into your life?

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