Giant Road Bike, A Girl Can Tri
Weekly Recap

October Recap

October was all about soldicoremsp, enjoying the outdoor weather and joining a Masters swim program on the training side and an outdoor wedding, hot tubbing, hanging out with family on the personal side!

But first, one of my favorite weekend of the year took place October 6-7 and that was the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon! I’ve completed the TCM several times and the last was a memorable one in 2014 with my sister, Steph, and her good friend, Kelly. I’ll be back someday but, for now, it is a lot of fun to volunteer and spectate!

I went to class at soldicoremsp 3.5 times a week throughout the month of October – Monday, Wednesday, Friday plus a couple of Sundays. They said it takes about a month to see the change in your body and I’m about 5 weeks in at the end of October and the change is slow. What I will say is that I know I’m getting stronger in each class – it is developed for all ranges – and each time I’m spending more time on my feet or letting go a spring during a set or two. And my obliques! They are my weakness! But when I think about them – I never really work them – it is just front planks so of course they are weak. Baby steps with my obliques! One big bonus is the mindset growth experienced in each class. Each set (or one song) focusing on working a particular muscle group to fatigue and using your mind to determine when/if you are going to break. I think I can translate this mindset growth to the run portion of a triathlon when I want to break near the end.

I biked, hiked, ran and walked at every opportunity throughout the month. This included biking to spectate and cheer throughout the TCM course, running through Theodore Wirth Park, riding on gravel on the Lake Minnetonka Regional Trail and walking for 30 minutes when I could sneak it in!

I joined a Master swim program! I want to improve my swim and going to a local pool and doing a pool workout isn’t going to help me improve (tried it in 2018 with no luck) so I tried out a Masters swim program and enjoyed it from the start! I’m in lane one (the slowest lane) which means I have nowhere to go up! I especially like the tips from coach Scott and being pushed harder than I would have been doing it myself. I’m going twice a week for now but anticipate pushing that up to 3-4 times a week when the new year rolls around!

One last thing – I tried to change my wheels and could not finish the project. I didn’t know how to move the cassette nor did I have the tools so I took the rear wheels into my local bike shop for the five minute swap. I’ll admit it – I’m not a bike mechanic and put in list to improve in 2019!


Big things coming for November – a 4th wedding anniversary, NYC girls trip, L’Etape, and maybe I’ll decide on some 2019 races!

How was your October?!

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