Austin TX skyline at dusk on boat
Weekly Recap

September Recap

My last triathlon of the season was Maple Grove International at the end of August so September started my unofficial “offseason”. To me, this meant training without an official training plan and planning my “workouts” (aka activities) according to the weather, no joke! I took advantage of every nice day and biked to and from work as much as the weather would allow (unfortunately, it was less than I hoped given the weird, super rainy September we had in Minnesota). I swam, on average, twice a week using sessions for my 70.3 training plan and mixing in more drill work. I ran when I felt like it but it was more walking on nice afternoons than anything else. And I did lots of other things! Here is my list to recap the month!

  • I mixed it up. I love #swimbikerun and enjoy doing all three all season so I don’t “need” to mix things up but I’m taking the fall to do so and try a few new things! My big thing is that I purchased a membership at [solidcore]. [solidcore] is a high intensity, low impact workout that is done a pilates-type machine that works your muscles to fatigue with slow and controlled movements. It is awesomely hard and challenging. Every workout is different. I have no idea what is coming next. The instructors are great. There is a big effort put on the core and obliques which is a big weakness of mine and every “set” is a burner. I’ve done a few sessions before (Alex purchased one at a charity auction for me a couple years back) but never attended with any consistency until now. I purchased the unlimited pack and plan to go 3-4 times per week for the next several months. I will report back on my progress!
  • I traveled. September was filled with lots of travel and time with family and friends. Alex and I traveled to Chicago over Labor Day Weekend to visit his family and hold our annual fantasy football draft. The next weekend we traveled to Wisconsin to “cabin” with my family. My third traveling weekend in September took me to Austin, TX for a girls trip! Last weekend we took a day trip to Alex’s alma mater, St. John’s University, for homecoming. I’m finally home for a weekend and writing this post 🙂
  • I learned. I should say “learning” – I love maps and started looking into making my own in Adobe Illustrator. It is tough and slow going but I’m enjoying the process. Stay tuned!
  • I merched. By that I mean, my logo is available to purchase on t-shirts on through Merch by Amazon- I created a basic t-shirt with the blue font and a premium t-shirt with a black font. Let me know what you think and if you’d like it in other colors!

Al and Mel outside Hamilton Mel on LimeBIke scooter in Austin TX Mel and Al at University of St. Johns

What were the highlights of your September?

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