Race Reports

Race Report {Lifetime Indoor Tri}

Disclaimer: I’m writing this for the blog in June 2018 – 3 months after the event.

The Lifetime Indoor series is based on time rather than distance – the more ‘distance’ you cover in a set time, the higher the point you will receive for the event. You are only measured against the individuals in your event that day.

Event Details: 10 minute pool swim (lengths of pool completed)

30 minute machine spin (distance covered)

20 minute treadmill run (distance covered)

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Event Results: 24 lengths, 10.3 miles spun, 2.4 miles ran

80 individuals, 19th overall, 5th female

Notes: This is a fun event and I was excited to see how the amount of distance I could cover over this 60 minute event. I wasn’t in an official training program yet but was SBR reguarily. Therefore, there was no taper or anything ‘special’ done nutrition wise – I just woke up and raced! The swim: the pool room (is that the right word?!) and pool were very hot and much hotter than I was used to swimming in (I swim at LA Fitness). I remember a coach telling me that swimming in warm water is like running in the heat! It is harder! But I didn’t let the heat stop and went out hard! I had been practicing my flip-turn over the winter but wasn’t confident enough so I ended up stopping at the wall over each length. I had a great lane partner who pushed me and ended up doing 600 yards in 10 minutes! I normally do 500 yards in 10 minutes I was excited to push it and an extra 100 yards. Transition: this is a bit of the cheat as they don’t count this time and give you 10 minutes to get up to the spin room and start. If only we could get 10 ‘free’ minutes in a real event! Bike (spin): The hard swim hit me on the bike and it was more of a struggle than I would have liked but pushed through. Transition: 5 ‘free’ minutes to go from spin room to treadmill. Run: pacing on a 20 minute treadmill run is tricky for me as it isn’t something I normally do. I ran between 7.0mph – 7.5mph throughout and probably could have pushed the pace a bit more the last 5 minutes looking back! After: Loved it! It was great to be in a competitive environment again and enjoyed it throughout. Ready for real training to begin!

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