Weekly Recap

8 weeks out from Ironman 70.3 Boulder Triathlon

Eight weeks out from the Ironman 70.3 Boulder Triathlon and 0 days into recovery from Liberty 70.3 Triathlon. I had a crazy idea on Saturday after the race that I would “finish” the distances on Sunday that I wasn’t able to do on Saturday. On Sunday morning my body told me that was a bad idea and I obeyed – it was a complete rest day.

You cannot make up miles, time, or distance. Simply move on and focus on the next day.


I knew it the first week or two post Liberty 70.3 Triathlon would be interesting and ones that I’d have to let my body guide me in my training load. The recovery was less than I predicted due to the race being cut short but I still took it one day at a time.


Monday is my normal rest day of the week and went out for an early morning walk before starting work for the day. Tuesday was an easy 40 minute spin. Wednesday I followed my schedule and swam 2,500 yards and went for a 22 mile bike ride after work with my husband. Thursday I did my interval run of 45 minutes and Friday I did my 1,800 yards of recovery swim workout. Saturday was stormy so I headed inside for a 10 mile run. Sunday we did a 40 mile ride – stopping at the Stone Arch Bridge Festival.


Swim 4,300 yds + 1,800 yards open swim

Bike 60 min interval + 60 recovery + 55 miles (cut to 40)

Run 15 post brick, 30 min recovery + 45 min interval + 12 miles (cut to 10)


Takeaway from the week

I felt good and think I held back a few things and push when I felt good (like on the 10 mile run on Saturday). I didn’t make it to open swim on Sunday so I that is the only negative thing of the week.

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