Weekly Recap

7 weeks out from Ironman 70.3 Boulder Triathlon

Seven weeks out from the Ironman 70.3 Boulder Triathlon and 7 days into recovery from Liberty 70.3 Triathlon. After taking it a bit of recovery the previous week, I was ready to hit it hard this week!


Monday is my normal rest day of the week and went out for an early morning walk before starting work for the day. Tuesday was an interval 60 minute spin followed by 10 minutes on the treadmill. Wednesday I swam 2,500 yards. Thursday I biked to work! My schedule called for a recovery spin which is perfect for my 30 bike commute to work and 30 minutes home. I did my interval run of 45 minutes when I got to work. Friday morning I swam 1,800 yards for my recovery swim workout. Saturday I biked 50 miles and then followed it up with a fast 4 mile brick run. Sunday I ran 11 (scheduled for 13) as I was still hurting from Saturday’s tough workout.


Swim 4,300 yds + 1,800 yards open swim

Bike 60 min interval + 60 recovery + 50 miles

Run 15 minute post spin, 30 min recovery, 45 min interval, 4 mile post bike, 11 miles


Takeaway from the week

I felt awesome after Saturday’s intense workout but felt tired before starting Sunday’s run. I went out too hard on Saturday, especially the brick run after, and paid the price on Sunday morning. I didn’t hit a single race pace mile and knew I needed to take the scheduled rest week as I was toying with the idea of editing the schedule earlier in the week. I did attend open swim after my run on Sunday and had a lovely swim. I’m trying to work out/on a cadence for sighting and focused on that for different sections of the swim.

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