Weekly Recap

4 weeks out from Ironman 70.3 Boulder Triathlon

Four weeks out from the Ironman 70.3 Boulder Triathlon and it was the 4th of July holiday during the middle of the week. I adjusted my training scheduled and did my best to enjoy the holiday and get in the required training.


Mon Rest day (morning easy walk in get my vitamin d)

Tue 2,300 yards interval swim + 20 easy run

Wed 2 hour ride combining my 60 minute interval session and my 60 easy ride

Thr 60 minute interval run

Fri 2,000 yards recovery swim

Sat 14 mile run + attempted open water swimming

Sun 50 mile ride in Tour of Saints + 5 mile brick run

Swim 4,300 yds + 500 yards failed open swim

Bike 60 min interval + 60 recovery + 50 miles

Run 20 minute brick, 20 min aerobic, 60 min interval, 14 miles, 5 mile brick


Takeaway from the week

It was fun to combine the holiday week with a great week of training. I made adjustments Tuesday – Thursday but got in all of the required work. We rode in the Tour of Saints bike ride in St. Joseph’s, Minnesota. It was challenging 50 mile ride on a hilly course with some nasty cross winds at times. Therefore, by the time I got to my 5 mile brick run after the ride, my legs barely moved. It was a tough first mile but eventually got my legs to move and finished the 5 miles. I’m ready to get back to a ‘normal’ schedule next week.

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