Tip Tuesday

20 for 2020

Another year, another chance to create a list of things to accomplish throughout the year!

  1. Create 2019 photo book. I’m excited to write that this item is complete a few days into the new year! I used a few tricks throughout the year to help speed up this project; I created a “2019” album on my phone and added photos I wanted to use throughout the year. I edited (if needed) each photo before adding it. I dedicated a few hours of my winter break to work on this and soon it was finished and off to the printer! Yay!
  2. Learn to breathe bi-laterally while swimming. I currently only breathe to my right side and, while okay in a pool, is not ideal for open water swimming. In 2019, both of my triathlons had buoys on the left side so I wasn’t easy for me to locate them being that I breathe to the opposite side. I’m going to focus on this in the pool throughout January where I’m taking a step back and going back to basics.
  3. Take a swimming technique class. Another item that I’m excited to say that I’m in the process of as I started a 3 week, 6 session class last week. I felt like a hit a plateau last year and believe I need to go back to basics in order to move forward. 
  4. No plastic bags! I don’t use them often yet I want to change not often into never. I plan on doing this by always keeping a reusable bag in my car to use when needed.
  5. Visit Walker Art Museum. I’ve lived in Minnesota all of my life and in Minneapolis for 20 years and I have never visited the Walker Art Museum. I’m going to change that this year! I’m targeting this as a winter activity so I hope to visit soon.
  6. Visit Minneapolis Institute of Art. See above (no.5).
  7. Bike in Girona. Girona is a cycling mecca in Spain and an area of the world many pros train in. We booked a Rider Camp Trek Travel package for mid-April and I’m super excited for this. I’m someone who needs a vacation on the calendar to look forward to and this will keep me happy until then by planning and training for the event!
  8. Travel to Spain! We are flying into Barcelona before our cycling vacation and plan to spend a few days before and after visiting the area.
  9. Keep moving with Beautycounter side hustle. I started in Q4 2019 and have enjoyed the challenge and growth opportunities it has provided. I’m still trying to decide what ‘keep moving’ means for me and hope to have a clearer goal shortly.
  10. Visit Nate + Manda in Eau Claire. My brother and sister-in-law (and niece and nephew) moved to Eau Claire almost two years ago and we still haven’t visited them. I’m going to change that in 2020.
  11. Visit new state (only 6 left). Louisiana, Alaska, North Carolina, South Carolina, Mississippi, and West Virginia. This item is a carryover from 2019 where I was close to doing this in Savannah yet it was too cold to run to South Carolina. I don’t have a plan yet for this one.
  12. Run a half marathon PR (under 1:56). It has been several years since I focused on a running event and, with a goal of getting faster in the 70.3 run, I wanted to try this out for a period of time during the winter months. I’m currently training for this and plan on running mid-February (weather dependent) and hope to check this one off the list!
  13. Quarterly girls dinners. See friends. Be happy. Enough said.
  14. JMHS girls trip. Back for our fourth year, we have our 2020 destination nailed down to Toronto or Portland, Maine. As always, excited for this!
  15. College girls trip. Nashville or Nashville. We are turning 40 this year and several ladies are already planning trips to Nashville so I know this won’t be a problem completing!
  16. Complete a multi-day bike-packing trip. I’m excited for this one! I want to ride my bike, spend the night and continue riding my bike the next day (and the day after that). I read many fantastic books this year about amazing cross country biking tours and I would like a little taste of this!
  17. Learn about SEO. I would like to continue writing and expanding my blog. From the little I read/listened to, I understand the importance of SEO yet I don’t know how to apply it in my articles. I’d like to learn more and apply to articles going forward.
  18. Set 70.3 triathlon PR (under 5:48). This is big and scary to write as the last time I wrote this in 2018, I didn’t complete. Last year I wrote to finish which I did and am ready to face the scariness and put it back on the list! I’d love to go under 5:30.
  19. Find recurring volunteer opportunity. Last year I volunteered 50 hours yet didn’t have a recurring opportunity so I didn’t feel part of a ‘team’. I’d like to change that this year and find an organization or event to work on numerous times.
  20. Pizza night on the farm. This is a fun one to finish the list. I love pizza and there is a fun trend of farms throughout the region hosting pizza nights on their property during the summer months. I’ve wanted to do this for years and putting on this list to hopefully accomplish this year!

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