Tip Tuesday Travel & Leisure

19 for 2019

Cheers to a new year! This year I’m going all in on my #19for2019 which is a list items I’d like to accomplish this year! It is a spin on the idea of resolutions where you focus on what you can do to bring more happiness into your life! What is on your list?!

  1. Ride in L’Etape du Tour with Trek Travel – more to come throughout the first half of 2019 on this but we will be riding in the amateur Tour de France (stage 20) race called L’Etape du Tour with 15,000 others to celebrate Alex’s 40th birthday!
  2. Visit France Summer 2019 – we are planning our ‘big’ vacation to France this summer around L’Etape du Tour with Trek Travel and still figuring out the details on the front and back end of the trip!
  3. Complete 2014 photo yearbook – yes, this is coming up on 5 years overdue but there is a good reason. I got married in 2014 and I’ve been debating making a ‘fancier’ photo book to celebrate this special year. Yet, I realize that isn’t going to happen and I need to focus on just getting it done. 2019 is the year!
  4. Complete 2018 photo yearbook – every year I make a photo yearbook highlighting the events from the previous year. I keep it simple and use Shutterfly to make my books.
  5. Yoga/Girls trip with JHMS ladies – for the past 2 years, a couple high school friends have gotten together in DC and NYC. In 2019, we thought of going somewhere new or possibly doing a yoga retreat. We haven’t done any plan on this one yet. PS – we have a 20 year high school reunion to celebrate this year as well! Scary!
  6. Go to the dentist – this would not make the list for most people but for me it is a big deal. I’m scared of the dentist and haven’t gone in a long time. On my last girls trip to NYC, my girlfriend gave me the name of her dentist so I have an appointment booked for late January.
  7. Go plastic straw free – three year ago I decided it was time to stop using plastic water bottles and I’ve probably used less than 10 since and I always have a reusable bottle with me. This year I’m extending it to plastic straws as well. I don’t use a ton of them yet realized I don’t have to use any! I bought Norwex reusable for at home and will try and decline at restaurants going forward.
  8. Monthly 2FOEM girls night – “2nd Friday of Each Month” girl night was recently created by my ski girls and it starts this Friday, 1/11! I’m excited for this for low-key opportunity to hang out and chat! I love the idea of a set cadence making it easy to add to the calendar and who ever can attend each month will! No pressure – only fun!
  9. Monthly couples date night – being kid free, Alex and I spend a lot of quality time together but we don’t have enough of is quality time with other couples. He was on board with this idea and has our January couples date night on the calendar already!
  10. Complete Lifetime Indoor Triathlon – this January will be my third time participating in the Lifetime Indoor Triathlon and it is always a fun experience. It is 60 minutes (10 swim, 30 bike, 20 run) of an all out effort. I’m excited to see how I do this January versus last! Look for a race report at the end of January!
  11. Start side hustle – this made the list again in 2019 – I listen to the Side Hustle School podcast every day and love it! Yet, I haven’t found the *right* idea to pursuit.
  12. Discover / create / start ‘dream job’ – yes, I know, not very specific at all but something I’m constantly thinking about. The problem, like #11, is that I don’t know what my ‘dream job’ is. I’m considering hiring a life coach to help me figure it out.
  13. Visit new state (only 6 left)! – LA, MS, NC, SC, AK, WV – thanks to all vacations via road trip growing up, I’ve visited most states in the union. I’m eyeing a potential yoga or girls trip to NC or SC to accomplish this!
  14. Blog 2-3x a week – I started www.agirlcantri.com last summer and have posted inconsistency since I started. I would to create 2-3 blog post each week as the number one thing I hear about gaining readers is post to consistently! Bring on this goal for 2019! This post will be #2 for the week! Yes!
  15. Complete Madison 70. 3 triathlon – I’m planning my triathlon schedule around L’Etape du Tour in July so that is looking like a 70.3 in early June in Madison which will be a good test for (a) some hills to get me ready for the mountains in France and (b) a peek into what Ironman Wisconsin would entail for 2020 (if I decide to partake).
  16. Complete Square Lake 70.3 triathlon – I want to do a triathlon this fall after L’Etape du Tour and the choices are limited in the midwest. I could travel down to North Carolina or Georgia in late September or October but a more realistic option is competing in the Twin Cities at Square Lake 70.3 in early September. I love the Stillwater area so I’m excited to put this on the race calendar!
  17. Work on Adobe suite – graphic design has always been an interest of mine and recently I’ve dabbled in creating cycling and city maps in Adobe Illustrator. I say dabbled because I haven’t put consistent effort into the project and haven’t improved much. I watched a few Skillshare and YouTube videos but haven’t done it consistently to build up my skills and knowledge and feel like I’m back at square one each time I try. I would like to put forth consistent effort on this goal in 2019 and see what I can produce!
  18. Volunteer 50 hours – I’ve volunteered for several sport-related causes throughout the years including Team in Training, Girls on the Run, Twin Cities in Motion, etc. and would like to continue to make volunteering a focus in 2019. In addition, I’m able to do a quarterly volunteer event with my team at work!
  19. Go car free for a week (or more) this summer – I got a taste of this last summer biking to work several days and loved it. I’d love to string several days together and go an entire week without a car. I know it won’t work all of the time yet I am excited to find some time to try it out!

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